Anders Møller Vestergård

This is a picture story, based on an Instagram story we posted before. We hope you like it!


Sætretindane is a mountain massif in Ørsta municipality, Møre og Romsdal. The mountain consists of the peaks Nordre Sætretind and Søre Sætretind. It’s located between Follestaddalen and Standal. Height: 1 365 metres over sea-level Descent: 1100 m from the peak down to Standalen GPS: 362550 6907137 Time: 3-4 hours (from Standalhytta) Starting point: Standalhytta Equipment: ice axe and crampons maybe necessary for the final section to the peak. Hazards: possible risk of avalanche at the opening to Kvanndalen, under Kolåsbreen and in Insterenna. Risk of falling in the last 50m to the top. Avalanche danger during the descent towards Flatdalen. Kilde:

Alpine touring: Norde Sætretind, Sætretind

Nordre Sætretind is a relatively short trip for Anders, who lives in Sunnmøre. You can set off in the afternoon after work, or make it a ‘tur’ with an overnight stay – as Anders did here. This is a classic Sunnmøre hike, considered demanding. Sætretinden has become a popular hike in recent years – but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy ascent. The last few meters to the peak, especially, are considered difficult. There’s the risk of avalanche, particularly at the entrance to Kvanndalen, under Kolåsbreen, in Insterenna, and during the descent towards Flatdalen. There’s also the risk of slipping in the last 50 meters to the peak.

Prepare properly – and bring avalanche equipment

As with all tours, choose one corresponding to your ability and level of knowledge. Always take avalanche equipment with you on ski trips, and plan your trip with care.

The route up:

The first part from Standalhytta follows the Kolåstinden route. Take the opening in the forest above the cultivated field after Standalshytta. This opening leads into Kvanndalen. Follow Kvanndalen up to the “Appelsinhaugen”. From here, you can see north to Insterenna – a chute you ascend with crampons, skis on your back. After Insterenna, follow the ridge to the south-east, towards Nordre Sætretind. If you want to bag the peak, the last 50 meters are best done with crampons and an ice axe – leave your skis and come back for them.

The descent:

Descending, there’s a super nice line from the peak straight towards Flatdalen, bearing east. There’s also a construction road providing good transport from the power plant down to Standalsdalen.

Alternative descents:

There are several relatively steep lines running down from the massif and Sætretinden. All of these go down into Kvanndalen, so you can follow the same path back up into Kvanndalen. These are only lines for stable snow conditions, though – and you should know what you’re doing. You can also go down the way you came up, via Innsterenna.

Snow, season and weather conditions:

The Sunnmøre Alps face the sea to the north-west. Clouds, precipitation and wind from the north-west generate a lot of snow. Snow and rain in a single day aren’t unheard of at altitude. But the area is also exposed to a coastal climate and mild weather. As in large parts of coastal Norway, this all means that wind, rain, temperature and snow conditions vary a lot from day to day. So do the preparatory work bychecking avalanche warningsplan properly, exercise judgement en route and keep your knowledge and skills up to date. The season varies, but usually begins with the first snowfall in October and normally ends in May. On north-facing sides, like many other places, there can be snow until June.
Not the worst place in the world to pitch a tent, basically. Video: Anders Møller Vestergård
Pitched the tent… now it’s just all about the view. Dinner at sunset, and what a view for breakfast! Video: Anders Møller Vestergård

Photo: Anders Møller Vestergård

The camp! Not bad! Photo: Anders Møller Vestergård

Day 2: Good morning and descent

Anders says that he woke up to a magical view and a total jackpot on weather, snow conditions and, well… everything else. As you can see from the pictures, there’s not much to complain about, anyway.

What a life. Photo: Anders Møller Vestergård

Holy smokes! Foto: Anders Møller Vestergård

This is more than acceptable, Norway! Photo: Anders Møller Vestergård

Anders Møller Vestergård!

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