Skrevet av

Åste Innleggen

Åste was brought up as a “child of nature” playing barefoot in nature’s playground. She moved to Finnmark to study nursing, but stayed because the adventure was too enticing. She’s also walked the length of Norway. Perhaps best known under the instagram alias @AASTESVILLMARKSLIV, Åste’s an ambassador for Åsnes and writes now and then for

Åste loves to swim, even in freezing water above the Arctic Circle! Photo: Åste Innleggen

Bathing north of the arctic circle

When I say chalk-white sandy beaches and azure sea, northern Norway might not be the first place that springs to mind. But, right there, you’ll find some of the finest sandy beaches in Norway! Here are my favourite bathing pearls!

Water doesn’t get much cleaner than this! Photo: Åste Innleggen

1. Ersfjorden – Senja

Ersfjord on Senja is a magical sight. A bathing gem for the whole family! Photo: Åste Innleggen

2. Finnvika – Sørøya

3. Sandfjellet og Sandfjellstranden på Sørøya

4. Sandfjorden – Berlevåg

5. Ytre Forsøl – Hammerfest

Photo: Åste Innleggen

Photo: Åste Innleggen

6. Storsand – Rolvsøya

7. Loppasanden – Loppa

8. Bleik – Andøya

9. Kjøttvika – Sørøya

North Norway’s answer to Malibu? Photo: Åste Innleggen

10. Silfar Canyon – Børselv

Idyllic? Clear, blue water and diving potential! Photo: Åste Innleggen

Don’t sleep away the summer night!

The Norwegian summer brings long, bright, nights with fantastic light – and the opportunity for incredible nature experiences. There is absolutely nothing like sleeping outside on a summer’s night in the open air, experiencing the magic of the day’s changes.

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How to sleep on top of a mountain

The view looks like a painting. Large mountains shoot up from the fjord. Different colours fling themselves across the sky. I have no doubt that if you’d shown me a picture of this when I was sitting at home in the garden in Denmark I wouldn’t have believed it was real. But luckily I’m standing here right now. The only sound I hear is the wind whistling quietly. And, of course, Matias, now crawling out of the tent.

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Food in the wild – done right

Er du en av de som sliter med hva du skal ta med av mat på tur? Tom for kreative ideer og kanskje litt lei av frysetørket mat? Her er noen kreative tips og forhåpentligvis litt inspirasjon som kan hjelpe deg!

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Winter adventures in the backyard

When you live in Longyearbyen, on Svalbard, your backyard’s just a little different to any other town’s. Vast wilderness begins right where the city ends and your ‘short trips’ are rather more exotic…

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