Written by

Sigvor Djukastein Mala

Adventurer, arctic nature guide and  (hobby) photographer. For Sigvor, everyday trips in the backyard are just as important as long expeditions. Singularly interested in winter outdoor activities, longer mountain ski tours and ski-mountaineering. Feels best with frost in the hair, cold fingers and a white landscape. The feeling of freedom, mastering something and experience. Has worked extensively as an arctic nature guide after training in Svalbard. Is also a social worker, and wants to be able to use the knowledge of outdoor life in working with vulnerable groups to create a feeling of mastery and change.

Photo: Jon Hunnålvatn Tøn

Don’t sleep away the summer night

Summer nights are bright. The light is fantastic. And this offers the opportunity for incredible nature experiences. There’s just something completely unique about sleeping outside on a summer’s night in the open air, experiencing the summer day in all its magical moods.

Photo: Sigvor D. Mala

If you have a favourite mountain, with your favourite view, a favourite place by the sea, or any other place you’d like to spend the night, this is a perfect place to start. Camping’s easy in the summer; you don’t need anything more than a simple sleeping bag, tent or bivvybag, a primus, warm clothes and good food. Nothing stopping your from bringing a good friend with you, too!

Photo: Sigvor D. Mala

Personally, I like to go to peaks with a great view or to set up a camp with a sea view right by the sea. There are many possibilities for overnighting, even right on your doorstep. Do use norgeskart.no or ut.no to plan your trip. It’s important to remember that the destination doesn’t always have to be so far from home, or far to walk to. Distance doesn’t decide how good a nature experience is!

Photo: Sigvor D. Mala

What’s fantastic is that the vast majority of other people are on their way home when you arrive at your camping spot. There’s a very special peace in the mountains at this time of the day and you can enjoy everything the summer nights have to offer. It’s just a matter of finding a tent pitch flat enough making sure you’re camping according to the right to roam rules and taking the flora and fauna around you into consideration. Remember – leave no trace.

Foto: Sigvor D. Mala

Then just take the weight off your feet and enjoy. If you’re lucky, it’s one of those summer nights where it’s warm enough to sit in a t-shirt until late at night. I recommend bringing something especially nice to eat on summer evenings like this. Welcome to the gourmet restaurant “The Primus” (use your imagination preparing your dinner). If you’re also somewhere they sell locally produced beverages, that’s something else nice to enjoy with a great view! But remember, everything weighs something – you have to be able to carry what you take with you.

Photo: Sigvor D. Mala

In the morning, the sun hits the tent early. Or it’s directly in your face, if you sleep under the open sky. The best thing then is just dragging your sleeping bag and mat out into the fresh morning air, firing up the primus and making a cup of coffee. There’s something completely magical about waking up to magnificent Norwegian nature and then enjoying a hot cup of coffee in your sleeping bag. Idyllic!

Photo: Sigvor D. Mala

Then it’s just a matter of enjoying a lazy summer morning, or setting off on the day’s hike. Whether it’s a peak nearby, or bathing in the fjord. I recommend everyone shoulf try a summer night out in the open once. Taking in the evening and morning atmosphere, out in the middle of nature is a unique experience!

Winter adventures in the backyard

When you live in Longyearbyen, on Svalbard, your backyard’s just a little different to any other town’s. Vast wilderness begins right where the city ends and your ‘short trips’ are rather more exotic…

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How to sleep on top of a mountain

The view looks like a painting. Large mountains shoot up from the fjord. Different colours fling themselves across the sky. I have no doubt that if you’d shown me a picture of this when I was sitting at home in the garden in Denmark I wouldn’t have believed it was real. But luckily I’m standing here right now. The only sound I hear is the wind whistling quietly. And, of course, Matias, now crawling out of the tent.

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Food in the wild – done right

Er du en av de som sliter med hva du skal ta med av mat på tur? Tom for kreative ideer og kanskje litt lei av frysetørket mat? Her er noen kreative tips og forhåpentligvis litt inspirasjon som kan hjelpe deg!

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